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Outdoor Ceiling Fans - Keeping your Outdoor Room Cool

Keeping cool and enjoying the breeze of an outdoor ceiling fan is just one of the luxuries you may want when it's hot outside. Outdoor ceiling fans require a ceiling or an overhead structure, and can be installed similarly to hanging a ceiling mount or chandelier. Decorative styles include tropical, traditional and contemporary, and many fans come with a light. For modern decor, take a look at Minka ceiling fans and the Modern Fan Co. If you like tropical, take a look at Famimation, Hunter Douglas and Tommy Bahama.

Trends in outdoor ceiling fans

With a growing interest in spending more time outdoors many consumers have recreated their outdoor spaces to be as livable as their indoor ones. In the past few years outdoor kitchens and living areas have been the rage. These spaces require similar accessories and appliances as the ones used indoors. Outdoor ceiling fans are largely used in outdoor kitchen and outdoor rooms with overhead ceilings. Also, gazebo spas and other enclosed structures benefit from the breeze a ceiling fan creates.

For bargain prices, take a look at, you can shop for an outddoor ceiling fan for under $200.

How to buy?

  • Make sure to buy a fan that says: "indoor/outdoor." These fans are designed to be resistant to water and weather elements.
  • Install your fan by using a certified electrician. Ask that he/she check your wiring already in place to make sure it is compatible with your new outdoor ceiling fan. Note: All electrical wiring must be properly installed and grounded.

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